Sunday 8 March 2009

I really need to keep this up!

I'm so bad at keeping these things up to date! One of the lads I work with, Steve Kuncewicz, (best IP lawyer in the world!!) has told me that the age of Twitter, Linked In, Facebook has arrived and I have to embrace it..... Stevie, I am trying!!!!! I know I am utterly hopeless! I mean the word "Facebook" - We now use it with such familiarity, what the hell is it? Facebook - is it a word you ever used before "Facebook"?? Ahhh it must be me, I am getting old!

Today I went to watch Sale Sharks for the first time in ages, spent most of the game chatting to my son's new boss, another solicitor, my life revolves around the legal profession and my charity work for Factor 50 of course.

The plans for the dinner at the Lowry on 25 April are now complete. Every table is booked so that is good news.

Jon's family are coming over for the dinner - it would have been Jon's birthday that day - how brave of them all to come over - I hope we do them proud. Jackie managed to finish Jon's story - you can read it on see Jon's story.

Last week I had a few days in France with my beautiful daughter - I miss her so much but then I think about Jon's family and how they'd give their world to be able to say goodbye to their child and still see him again and that keeps me focussed.

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